Project Citizen (PC) High Schools

A special thanks to our sponsor, Con Edison! With their help we have been able to fund the Project Citizen Program that allows hundreds of students to understand public policies.

The Justice Resource Center (JRC) provides New York City elementary, middle, and high schools the opportunity to participate in “Project Citizen”, a public policy program. “Project Citizen” is designed to engage students of all ages in the research and design of a public policy in their community. After choosing a local public policy issue, students will: identify a problem with the policy; research alternative policies; create and propose their own policy solution; and design an action plan to implement their proposal. Students create a four-part display board with each of the above features; additionally, students compile a literacy-based portfolio binder that documents their research. Upon successful completion of a “Project Citizen” portfolio, students will participate in a school-level showcase. School-level winners will then have the opportunity to participate in a citywide showcase event in May or June.

“Project Citizen” complements the social studies curricula, as well as Law classes, American History classes, AP Government classes, Participation in Government classes and ELL classes. Purchase of the program includes a professional development session that will train new teachers in the implementation of “Project Citizen” as well as a class set of 30 Level Two student texts and a teacher’s guide.

Project Citizen student and teacher materials are also available in Spanish.

If you would like to participate in Project Citizen, please fill out the Project Citizen School Information form and email to 

 For more information about the Project Citizen program, including copies of Student Worksheets, click the following link: