Career and Technical Education (CTE)

The CTE STARS Program Manager is available and schools can program for the school year. The CTE STARS program manager can be accessed from the STARS home screen by visiting the School Scheduling menu and selecting the manage programs link. Please share this information with your programmers and staff who work most closely with programming for your CTE students. Please visit the STARS Wiki for more information and guidelines. If you have any questions, please contact the CTE STARS Team at

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From the NYCDOE website under Career and Technical Education (CTE):

The process of program approval compels schools to demonstrate excellence on a series of quality indicators, including curriculum, work-based learning, culmination in an industry-recognized assessment, college and industry partnerships, and program capacity.

This is a brief summary of the CTE program components leading to program approval.  JRC is actively working on CTE program approval by following the components below:

  JRC Law Programs

CTE Program Component #1: Curriculum and Instruction.   All CTE programs must have a 3-4 year course sequence, offer a career and financial management course, align curriculum with NYS learning standards, common core and Career Development and Occupational Studies (CDOS).

CTE Program Component #2: Curriculum aligned with NYS Learning and industry skill standards that reflect 21st century competencies.

CTE Program Component #3: Qualified Career and Technical Education teachers with industry certification. All CTE programs must have Qualified Career and Technical Education teachers with relevant State and Industry certification.

CTE Program Component #4: Industry partnerships. All CTE programs must have business partners involved in program development to validate that program content is 1) aligned with industry standards and 2) is current on industry needs.  Participation includes curriculum review, technical assessment review, serving in an advisory role, providing work based learning opportunities, or providing other pro bono support (such as guest speakers, in-kind donations, etc.).

CTE Program Component #5: Post-Secondary Articulation Agreements. CTE programs are to partner with higher education organizations to enable students to take college credits during their high school studies.

CTE Program Component #6: Technical Assessments. All CTE schools should have an end of the program industry assessment that includes a written, student demonstration/performance and student project which is accepted by industry.

CTE Component #7:  Work Based Learning.  All CTE programs must establish a sequence of experiences enabling students to be successful in aligning their course work with future careers. Work-Based Learning includes a sequence of activities across all years of the Program, often culminating in a capstone experience such an internship or service project with an employer in the relevant industry. These experiences, which can be credited or non-credit, paid or unpaid, must provide students with work experience in their CTE field of study.

Wages for paid internships can be paid by the host organization or by the school through their VTEA funding.

For more information about CTE programs, check out these program pages:

Law Academy

Law Enforcement

Computer Forensics