The Federal Bar Council’s Public Service Committee, in conjunction with the Justice Resource Center, sponsors the High School Courts Visit program for high school students. A class of Law Academy students, guided by an attorney, visit a courthouse, watch a court proceeding, and meet with a judge in chambers. Accompanying attorneys serve as guides and resources for students during the visit.
The Federal Bar Council was a founding sponsor of MENTOR and has provided lawyer participation and program support for the Justice Resource Center since its inception. The Federal Bar Council is an organization of lawyers who practice in federal courts within the Second Circuit. The mentoring by its members has played a meaningful role in the education and inspiration of many hundreds of New York City school students for more than two decades.
In conjunction with the law firm MENTOR Program, the Federal Bar Council’s Public Service Committee developed a program to bring public school students together with federal judges. Under the program, school classes, accompanied by lawyers from a participating firm, meet with the judge, attend a trial or hearing and then have lunch with the lawyers. To date, there have been hundreds of visits.
Any attorney interested in volunteering to escort student groups can call the Justice Resource Center at 212.580.5905 for details.
If you have any questions about the program, please contact Debra Lesser: