Call for Mock Trial Lawyer-Coaches

The Justice Resource Center has issued a call for lawyer-coaches for high school teams for the 2017 New York State Mock Trial Tournament.

High schools throughout all five boroughs need coaches. Coaching sessions usually take place after school hours, with teams meeting their lawyer-coach once or twice a week. All teams have a teacher-coach assigned to coordinate coaching sessions. The case will be distributed in early December 2016, and competitive rounds start in late February 2017. The top teams will go on to compete in the state finals in Albany May 21-23.

In addition, those who are eligible can receive up to three (3) CLE credit hours from the NYSBA for coaching a mock trial team.

If you are interested in serving as a coach, or know someone who might be, let us know!

Any questions? Email

Attorney-Coaches Form

NYSBA and JRC Distribute High School Mock Trial Case to NYC Teachers

December 10, 2014: Over 80 NYC teachers met at the New York County Lawyer’s Association to receive the 2014-2015 Mock Trial case and learn about the issues. The Justice Resource Center (JRC), in partnership with the New York State Bar Association (NYSBA), provides high school students the opportunity to participate in a citywide Mock Trial competition, with the winning team moving on to the NYS finals. Teams of 6-12 students  compete at least twice in a multiple-elimination round tournament. A team can be from a designated course, or an after school program. The preliminary rounds will begin during the last week of February. The top two NYC teams will advance to the State Finals in Albany in May 2015.

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