This year the Justice Resource Center proudly hosted the New York State Competition. We are so proud of all the students and teachers on their hard work and preparation!

The JRC, in partnership with the Law, Youth, and Citizenship Committee of the New York State Bar Association (NYSBA), offers high schools the opportunity to participate in “We The People”: Bill of Rights and the Constitution program. Textbooks, available for classroom use, complement the social studies classes and are aligned to the Common Core standards.
Students participate in a Mock Congressional hearing based upon the six units of the textbook. Schools may conduct the hearing in their school or participate in the JRC’s citywide competition. Teams prepare a 4 minute presentation based upon questions from all six units of the text. Students must then be prepared to answer 6 minutes of follow-up questions. Lawyers, politicians, professors, and educators serve as judges for the competition. The materials complement Law classes, American History classes, A.P. Government classes and Participation in Government (PIG) classes. The top 2 teams from NYC move on to the statewide We The People competition. The JRC offers a multi-lingual competition for ELL students.
For more information about this program visit the following links.
If you have any questions about the program, please contact Gladys Aviles: