JRC Hosts Russian Attorneys

The Justice Resource Center hosted a delegation of attorneys from St. Petersburg and Moscow in December as part of the U.S.-Russia Peer-to-Peer Dialogue Program sponsored by the U.S. State Department to enhance pro bono activities with the school-age population in Russia. Delegates from the JRC visited Russia weeks prior in anticipation of this visit.

In order to replicate the success of JRC programs in their home cities, the attorneys visited our partners in law-related education at the NYC Law Department, City Bar, Federal Courts, and law firms Clifford Chance, USA and Schulte Roth & Zabel LLP. They were also able to observe a roleplay session of The Constitution Works as well as the citywide finals of MENTOR: Moot Court. Their visit concluded with a workshop on Constitutional Law by Columbia Professor Chris Riano held at the JRC offices.

Submissions Open for Public High School Law Essay Contest

The Law-Related Education Committee of the New York County Lawyer’s Association (NYCLA) announced that they are now taking submissions for their annual NYC Public High School Essay Contest.

The top three essays will receive cash prizes totaling $1,250. For this year’s essay topic and submission guidelines, please click here. The deadline for essay submissions is March 1, 2017.


2016 MENTOR Law Firm/School Partnership Kick-Off Luncheon

September 28, 2016 – The Justice Resource Center organized the 32nd Annual MENTOR Kick-Off on Tuesday September 28, hosted by Fordham Law School. The luncheon is an opportunity for MENTOR teachers and attorneys across the citywide “Law Cluster” to meet, discuss updates for the coming year, and receive the official materials for the 2016 Moot Court competition. Continue reading “2016 MENTOR Law Firm/School Partnership Kick-Off Luncheon”

Justice Sotomayor Speaks To High School Law Cluster Students

September 15, 2016 – The Justice Resource Center, along with Just the Beginning Foundation, The Second Circuit and the NYS courts, coordinated a “Robes Program” at the Federal Courthouse as part of the Judges’ Minority Judicial conference. The Courthouses welcomed students and teachers from 9 different schools across the city for a fun and educational day.  Over 300 students attended. The morning was spent acting out a voir dire exercise, with Second Circuit Judges and Judges from all over the country. Afterwards, the students had the opportunity to hear from the judges on their individual path to the bench. The day ended with a powerful and impassioned speech, followed by a Q&A, with Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor. Students and teachers alike left with smiles on their faces and a new-found appreciation for the law and our legal system!

Call for Mock Trial Lawyer-Coaches

The Justice Resource Center has issued a call for lawyer-coaches for high school teams for the 2017 New York State Mock Trial Tournament.

High schools throughout all five boroughs need coaches. Coaching sessions usually take place after school hours, with teams meeting their lawyer-coach once or twice a week. All teams have a teacher-coach assigned to coordinate coaching sessions. The case will be distributed in early December 2016, and competitive rounds start in late February 2017. The top teams will go on to compete in the state finals in Albany May 21-23.

In addition, those who are eligible can receive up to three (3) CLE credit hours from the NYSBA for coaching a mock trial team.

If you are interested in serving as a coach, or know someone who might be, let us know!

Any questions? Email mocktrialjudges@gmail.com

Attorney-Coaches Form